Another Bird For The List…

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The latest addition to the list of birds in my garden is the Goldcrest. At least, i’m 90% sure it is!

Goldcrest © Francis C. Franklin

Goldcrest © Francis C. Franklin

Two very small, chirping birds passed through the garden yesterday, flitting through the lower branches of my fruit trees as I was walking down the garden path.

They were definitely wren-sized, but i’ve seen plenty of wrens before and am pretty sure I would recognise it with it’s cocked tail.

I’ve also seen a good few goldcrests before and I’m pretty sure I glimpsed the gold crest on top of it’s head (you’d never guess where it got its name!).

I just wish i’d had a few seconds longer, or a few footsteps nearer to be 100% sure.

Hopefully it will re-visit soon and reaffirm it’s place on the list!

Now we’re at 24 species:

  1. Robin
  2. Wren
  3. Dunnock
  4. House Sparrow
  5. Blue Tit
  6. Great Tit
  7. Coal Tit
  8. Long-tailed Tit
  9. Blackbird
  10. Starling
  11. Goldfinch
  12. Chaffinch
  13. Greenfinch
  14. Blackcap
  15. Chiffchaff
  16. Willow Warbler
  17. Bullfinch
  18. Great Spotted Woodpecker
  19. Magpie
  20. Wood Pigeon
  21. Jackdaw
  22. Sparrowhawk
  23. Jay
  24. Goldcrest


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